another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Videos for 9.21.07

9/21/2007 0

Video for 9.19.07

9/19/2007 0
A video to help explain the Trinity.

(+Think Christian)

Acting Their Age

9/19/2007 0
Of course most of my middle schoolers, and a lot of my high schoolers, don't get the idea of real consequences to actions. Many of our youth don't understand that so much of what they do, and say, today effects their future. Not only that, but so much of what they do effects other people as well. You and I know that--I hope.

I don't know why I started with that, and I really don't know where I'm going with this. What my frustration is aimed at is the way our culture mocks everything. It really gets on my nerves. Our society has progressed so much and part of that progression is this notion that nothing is sacred or exempt from scrutiny. Everyday I see and hear examples of it.

This morning what triggered me was a video I watched. It's a dumb little video. Some actor was doing an interview, and the conversation moved to death and comedy tv--whether that was appropriate (or taboo). The actor said no, and began to demonstrate with the (I think it was) hot dog he was eating; he pretending to choke, but then really began to choke. I just wondered if that gave him and the others watching a different perspective.

We allow our entertainers to make light of so many things. The worst of it is that we will laugh right along with them. And this isn't a stab at the media--necessarily. This is more about the attitudes that seem to prevail. Why does ridicule play so big a part in our world? We ridicule each other, our leaders, ourselves and even God. Now I know why I started with discussing youth--it's because so many people act just like them. The reason and logic that so many people claim to posses seems to be substituted with a middle school mentality of "I don't like you so everything you say is stupid (imagine me sticking my tongue out at you)."

In those kinds of attitudes we find consequences that go way beyond today--broken relationships, hatred, distrust and prejudice seem very visible in our world. I just wish more people would begin to evaluate their motives before they run out to get attention. Watching "news" programs on tv and much of the reading online really turns me off because it seems that's all you hear.

What bothers me the most is that I know there are plenty of people who value respect and dignity. Why are those people always portrayed as the outsiders, or those that are out of touch? If I don't have the ability to offer a great wisecrack then I'm boring or too uptight.

I know that love your neighbor thing hasn't gone out of style; I just wish it was more popular. Thank you for allowing me to moan and complain. Stay blessed...john

Here's the video: - Watch more free videos

I Can Take My Keyboard

9/12/2007 0
I'm out KAIROSing this weekend. Be in prayer and mind your blogging. Stay blessed...john

Better Late than Never or Something In Between

9/11/2007 0
I'm struggling with a decision. It may not seem too much of an issue, and indeed in a few weeks I'll probably think the same way. However, right now all the input I can get would be great.

Our youth group has met on Wednesdays since I've been here (2 1/2 years) and even prior to that. For our community it seems that day is better than say a Sunday. This is the first church that I've been a part of that provided a youth meeting right after school. For a while after stepping in I kept that schedule; almost a year in we went to a later time.

Some of "our" students would prefer the earlier time. We actually "lost" some because they were upset we changed time (that's another story). I am leaning towards a later time for a number of reasons. The biggest is that I believe it opens the door for a lot of other students to be involved in the student ministry here. Many of these youth are involved in band, sports, theater and other after school activities.

There are still some of "our" members that are more comfortable with the earlier time. I've tried to express my intention about the change (opening up), but don't think that is how they perceive it. Another chunk of change is that we are looking to only have one "youth group meeting" every month--one for the middle school and another for high school. Before you worry, there are weekly groups planned to provide the fellowship and other faith aspects for these students.

So, what do you think? Have you dealt with something like this in your area? I know you have. Especially those of you who live in this community--what's been your take on some of this kind of thing? Let me know. Stay blessed...john

A Book I Squeezed In

9/10/2007 0

I recently finished a book that was loaned to me by a church member.
not much just chillin: the hidden lives of middle schoolers

So did a great job, I think, of capturing the image of what many of middle school students deal with. It can be a daunting task to pinpoint the particular characteristics of many of these students. Many of them may fit into a particular category, but they are dealing with so much and changing so much that you run the risk of missing who they are by figuring their type.

The middle schooler is a unique creature. When I substituted several years ago there was one grade that I did my very best to stay away from--6th grade. That is generally where they are realizing they have attitudes, and they are figuring out how to work them.

But I would be missing so much joy if I didn't work with them. Stay blessed...john

Videos for 9.5.07

9/05/2007 0
I'm getting ready for our community 5th Quarter party this Friday. In the meantime here are some videos to lighten your mood.

You may not enjoy this video if you are not a drummer. This song taught me my first drum break when I was a kid. (+Creative Review)

Church Growth Ideas

Some stand up

By the way...Anyone know a reason to use what happens when you hit (Ctrl+Alt)+Down Arrow (or Up Arrow to reverse it)? Windows XP