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Questions on divorce


1 Corinthians 7:10-16

I preach with a twofold goal I don't know I always fulfill. First, I want to inform, instruct and encourage. A listener shouldn't have to figure out what I'm talking about. There needs to be a clarity to what I say. But, secondly, I want you to leave a sermon wondering what else I meant. In a way, I want to point you towards more questions than certainty. Clarity and mystery should meet so that a message is more than a presentation or TED talk.

That's how I leave reading Paul's instructions on married life in 1 Corinthians. On one hand, there are straight forward thoughts. Don't divorce, mainly. Scripture doesn't promote or celebrate divorce. Still, there are exceptions where divorce is acceptable.

It's helpful to recognize Paul is addressing specific questions asked of him. And his responses may or may not be most helpful in all situations for us today. He's also aware of particular ideas circulating through the church. Some people would've argued it was their spiritual duty to divorce someone. No, it wasn't.

All that leaves questions for us to mull over.

For example, we often say divorce is acceptable in response to abuse. But where does Paul say that here? In the last several generations, people have often portrayed divorce as a one-sided issue. Women get a lot of that one-sided blame. But how many of those women finally recognized abuse for what it is? They decided to live with dignity and respect for themselves and that happened to include divorce. What would Paul's message be to them? And do we have to define what constitutes abuse? And there we go being one-sided again. What would Paul tell abusive husbands?

Paul also was ready for Christ's imminent return, which we're still waiting for. Would Paul have recognized irreconcilable differences for a couple after a few more years?

Now, none of these questions take away from what we know to be true of God's desires for our relationships. If we are growing in grace, if our lives are connected emotionally, physically and spiritually, why would God want that torn away from us? And who are we to tear it away?

You see?

More questions as we best discern how God wants us to live in peace with God and each other.

Stay blessed...john

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