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Obadiah 1-9

Based on its etymology, you can say part of what it means to be arrogant is to be overbearing. An arrogant person can overwhelm others with their haughty attitudes and self aggrandizing. It can be much to listen to someone go on and on about how good they are, especially in relation to other people. To add injury to insult, arrogant people may rely on their lowly opinions of others to excuse or dismiss inappropriate behavior.

It's easy to mock someone you already think less of. Spend your time thinking too much of yourself and you're bound to belittle the people around you.

One word to associate with the message of the book of Obadiah is arrogance. Edom had been arrogant in their relation to Israel (even God). Edom refused to help Israel in their desert wandering (Numbers 20). One could, perhaps, chalk that up to sibling and tribal rivalry. But Obadiah's vision also includes other reminders. Edom joined Israel's enemies and even "gloated" over Israel's misfortune (Obadiah 12). Why this overbearing attitude and rejection of their brothers?

God already told them. "Your proud heart has deceived you" (3). Their lofty homes and, supposed, security fooled them. Who they were and what they believed about themselves comes out in their question, "Who will bring me down to the ground?" God was ready to.

What a reminder about our feelings. What you feel in your heart may be just that. Often, though, what you feel has a way of seeping through your life in ways you may not recognize yourself. Oh, but others see it. God certainly does. An arrogant heart has an uncanny way of dismissing the needs of others. Every man for himself, after all. But Edom's overbearing arrogance reminds us God cares about what is in our heart and how we care for others as a result.

Stay blessed...john

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