Ruth 1:18-22Naomi saw a nagging determination in Ruth. Ruth was not going to leave her mother-in-law to fend for herself. You may recall, both women lost their husbands. Naomi lost two sons and her husband. One of her daughters-in-law already left for home after her husband died. Naomi's charge to them both was to leave because she had nothing to offer them. They were still young enough to build a new family.But Ruth was not having it.Once Naomi realized this,...
Ezekiel 14:12-23In Noah's story, depending on your sources, millions or billions of people died (Genesis 6-8). Those who opposed Daniel and his three friends were "torn limb from limb" or didn't last long in the lion's den (Daniel 3, 6). And just about everyone in Job's life died. All that to say, death surrounds these biblical heroes. A lot of death. In one of Ezekiel's visions, death would still follow them.The prophet's message was that of God's coming...
Acts 9:32-35Many of the "acts" of the apostles were miracles that brought healing and restoration. I'd love that every prayer would bring immediate power like that today. Some would say I can't or won't see that because I haven't believed strong enough. I don't know how to pray for such a thing to happen, apparently.Well, if that's true, it's not for a lack of desire! Oh, how I wish we would see more miracles. I trust God has the power for them. And I'm convinced...
Exodus 4:1-17Most of us can probably relate to Moses.God showed up in a burning bush and told Moses he had a new job. Moses either realized the absurdity of the call or felt the pressure of his insecurities. Or maybe a little bit of both. For anyone who has ever doubted themselves, this story hits home.Don't think you're the only one that's ever tried to convince God to pick someone else. We come from a long line of excuse makers. So, you might as well...
Nehemiah 1:1-11Nehemiah 8:10 is an important verse for me. You may remember Nehemiah's words to the people as they wept: The joy of the Lord is your strength. That was his response as the people mourned their sin. They had just heard from God's word. And there were those who explained what they heard. The people, then, knew they had transgressed. So, they wept. Nehemiah, though, shifted their sorrow.I've long since traded my sorrow for God's joy. It's...
Hebrew 7:1-10We know little about Melchizedek. Most of what I've ever read about him is a repeat of what's written in Hebrews 7. He's an important figure in Hebrews because, in part, of his appearance in Genesis 14. If you recall, he met Abram, bringing bread and wine to celebrate the patriarch's victory. Then he blessed Abram. That's when Abram gave the priest a "tenth of everything." Abram's tithe came from the spoils of defeating "Kedorlaomer and...
John 13:1-17There's some knowing and not knowing happening in John 13.Jesus knew his hour had come (13:1). He also knew "the Father had given all things into his hands and that he had come from God and was going to God" (13:3). Peter didn't know what Jesus was doing washing the disciples' feet. But Jesus knew which disciple would soon betray him. After the foot washing, the Lord asked the disciples, "Do you know what I have done to you" (13:12)? Finally,...
Psalm 75:1-10I had a Psalm 75:1 moment this weekend.Our church hosted a community event and hundreds of people stopped by for candy and fun. Most people had something to say about my almost costume. I've lost a few pounds, but I can still play a great Shrek.One person, though, could not have cared less about what I was wearing. A woman approached me, ready to share something I needed to hear. She had come to our annual event for several years....
Hebrews 6:1-12Wesleyan theology puts an emphasis on sanctification. Entire sanctification at that. We value the belief our faith can come to full fruition even in this life time. The other word we often use to label that experience is perfection.Yes, child of God, you can be perfect here and now.Many of us often mistake what we mean by perfection. No, we aren't perfect people, without fault or sin. We're not Jesus. But we do have the Spirit Jesus promised...
Revelation 17:1-18"Bad news isn't wine. It doesn't improve with age." I haven't found the context for that quote from Colin Powell. But bad news is bad news. So, I can appreciate what his quote means.We can even apply it to scripture today.First, let me confess. I don't always look forward to writing a reflection on anything from Revelation. Do I have to describe beasts and battles again? But, today, a little apocalyptic literature might be good for...
Genesis 14: 17-24If it weren't for the references in Hebrews 5, 6 & 7, most of us would not give much attention to Melchizedek. We'd just be glad it wasn't our turn to read scripture when his name came up. There are two Old Testament passages that mention the ancient priest-king. Psalm 110 first mentions his perpetual priesthood--whatever that means. Genesis 14 offers a brief interaction between Melchizedek, Abram and the king of Sodom. From this...
First, Tom was in a restaurant. Then he ended up in a Barnes and Nobles. Joseph and I were just glad he could make it from Wisconsin this week.
Stay blessed...j...
Luke 16:19-31Recently, I watched a presentation by Reverend Candace Lewis. She shared something at the Leadership Institute at Church of the Resurrection I've been reflecting on since.It's taken a while, but one lesson has come across enough in local church ministry that it's easier to talk about. More of us can now distinguish between ministry to someone and ministry with someone. To someone is a service. Now, it may be...
Psalm 39A few weeks ago I preached a sermon based on Mark 9. Jesus said if your hand, foot or eye causes you to sin, cut it off. I told the congregation to consider what body parts they'd be left with if they had to cut off what made them sin. After worship, someone jokingly confessed they'd never speak again. They would have had to cut off their tongue.I imagine that's true for a lot of us.What is it about putting our foot in our mouth that is so common?...
Obadiah 1-9Based on its etymology, you can say part of what it means to be arrogant is to be overbearing. An arrogant person can overwhelm others with their haughty attitudes and self aggrandizing. It can be much to listen to someone go on and on about how good they are, especially in relation to other people. To add injury to insult, arrogant people may rely on their lowly opinions of others to excuse or dismiss inappropriate behavior.It's easy to mock...
Deuteronomy 5:22-33Preachers love GPS illustrations. Since those devices became wildly accessible, countless sermons have included them. Messages about directions of life, turn arounds, recalculating and even listening to the GPS voice. The illustration has navigated itself to almost cliché status.So, here's my take on the GPS illustration.When I attended seminary I also served a student appointment. That meant a full time school schedule and a (wink,...
Deuteronomy 5:1-21I took one preaching class in seminary. In that class, I learned how to preach a five minute sermon, even though I rarely preach a five minute sermon. And our professor encouraged us to preach a series on the Ten Commandments. It took me a decade to finally get around to doing that. His recommendation was to not preach a sermon on the commandments, but a sermon on each commandment. So, earlier this year, I did just that. And I appreciated...
Jeremiah 3:6-14In scripture, the image of a faithful marriage is a reflection of our communion with God. And God's faithfulness to us. Of course, the opposite is true, too. We know what adultery is and what it does to a family. Do we know what unfaithfulness does to God?Thankfully, God receives his adulterine children.But God also knows who we are. A parent can sense when her child just wants to return to good graces. The child will say they are sorry....
1 Corinthians 7:10-16I preach with a twofold goal I don't know I always fulfill. First, I want to inform, instruct and encourage. A listener shouldn't have to figure out what I'm talking about. There needs to be a clarity to what I say. But, secondly, I want you to leave a sermon wondering what else I meant. In a way, I want to point you towards more questions than certainty. Clarity and mystery should meet so that a message is more than a presentation...
Psalm 55:1-15Ever had a "wanna get away" moment? In the Southwest Airlines commercials people find themselves in circumstances they'd rather not be. It's humorous for us onlookers because we can feel the tension.Being in those moments is different.And I'm not thinking of the awkward kind in the commercials. No, think of the trying times you've endured before. What valleys have you struggled to find your way through? Reflecting on my moments, I had times...
Romans 8:1-11Confirmation Sunday is a wonderful day when our youth confirm the faith their family has given them. We say that part of their confirmation is deciding to make their faith their own. It's a rite of passage acknowledging their maturity and the calling God gives to us all.And confirmation has a long-standing tradition in some churches. I'm still reflecting on something I learned about our Methodist association with confirmation. Did you know...