another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Revelation: Promises of the Apocalypse

7/31/2013 0

The book of Revelation is a book about worship.  That seems strange to many people.  Images of beasts, plagues, whores, horsemen and the end of time make it difficult to see John's call to worship the One who is worthy.  In fact, those types of images scare many people into thoughts of destruction and disaster.

With some imagination and soul searching, however, we can look and see what John wants us to know.  Revelation is not about predicting the future.  Rather, it's about our commitment to God.  John's vision reminds us 1) God has a better way of life for us, 2) We can live that life and 3) It is all worth it.

Week 2: Faith Counts

Stay blessed...john

Faith Counts

7/22/2013 0

Everyone knows summer can be hard on church attendance.  People travel.  People say they travel.  It can be difficult to tell how many of your church friends you may see in church on any given Summer Sunday.  Instead of taking summer "off" or leaving the good stuff for when everyone comes home, I wanted to do something a little different for those folks who are able to make it to church during the hot months.

Who knows, maybe it would even help get that one soul out of bed if they knew they could expect something different in church.

So, longer story short, I decided to do a sermon series on the book of Revelation.  I've had plenty of questions and conversations since I first let everyone know about it.  There have been a few that have said they were looking forward to hearing it all.  

I guess it was a good idea.

Here are the first two sermons.
++If you are reading by email or news reader, click on the title to begin listening to the sermon.++

We'll wrap up the series next week.  Until then, stay blessed...john

Are things getting serious for you?

7/21/2013 0

Remember your baptism.  Stay blessed...john

It's Gloria's ##(rd)(st)(th) birthday

7/15/2013 0
Today, our family is celebrating Gloria's birthday number ## .  Oddly enough, we'll be traveling to celebrate another life--a newborn nephew.

Thankfully, the Internet lets us join in the party no matter where we are.  So, sit back, push play and party with us as we wish Gloria the best on her birthday.

++If you're reading by email or news reader, click here to start the party.++

Stay blessed...john

Football is coming!

7/09/2013 0
I've told you before about one of my favorite websites, but I don't think I've mentioned another.  In the last week or so, there's been a "Yo mama so Methodist" trend on United Methodist Memes (aforementioned other site).  Some of them have been pretty good.  So, I joined the trend and combined two of our favorite things: Methodism and football.

I leave it to you to decide which order those should be arranged.

If you're a good Methodist and a decent fan of football, you get it.  Stay blessed...john