another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Faith Counts

Everyone knows summer can be hard on church attendance.  People travel.  People say they travel.  It can be difficult to tell how many of your church friends you may see in church on any given Summer Sunday.  Instead of taking summer "off" or leaving the good stuff for when everyone comes home, I wanted to do something a little different for those folks who are able to make it to church during the hot months.

Who knows, maybe it would even help get that one soul out of bed if they knew they could expect something different in church.

So, longer story short, I decided to do a sermon series on the book of Revelation.  I've had plenty of questions and conversations since I first let everyone know about it.  There have been a few that have said they were looking forward to hearing it all.  

I guess it was a good idea.

Here are the first two sermons.
++If you are reading by email or news reader, click on the title to begin listening to the sermon.++

We'll wrap up the series next week.  Until then, stay blessed...john

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