another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Many Me

3/28/2011 2
Yesterday's sermon was entitled Many Me. I wanted to focus on the "many" and "many more" part of the story, among other things, John tells about the Samaritan woman Jesus met at the well of Jacob. Once I said it I couldn't get it out of my mind. Every time I said the "Samaritan women" it took everything I had not to repeat it this way. So, I'll just have to make a parody for us all to enjoy.

The Samaritan woman (I'm singing) has become a new hero of the Bible for me. Among other things, her question to Jesus is a great way to introduce, emphasize and encourage theological dialogue, asking questions and Bible study. One person told me yesterday she had heard that story all her life, but never thought of the Samaritan woman (singing again) like this.

If you are reading by email, click here to listen to the sermon Many Me.

Stay blessed...john

Pastor Says F You

3/19/2011 2
In every sermon there is the hope that something in the hearer (and preacher) will change. We call it transformation. The expectation is that when scripture is presented and the call of God is made clear, God's Spirit moves in us, inspires us, to transform some part of our life. Every sermon at least one thing. Remember that.

I am sure most of the people in this next video had something changed. That's important to state because I realize this might not appeal to everyone. However, as an illustration and attention-getter, chances are every time one of these church goers hear something like, "F you," chances are they will remember something about this sermon. "What did pastor say the new F word was?" "Forgiveness. Okay."

That said, what do you think about this video?

I'll apologize if you're offended. F me. Stay blessed...john

Under the Oak: March 2011

3/08/2011 0
Our church newsletter was sent out late this month. That's happened twice so far this year. Actually, one edition just didn't get printed. I'm working to make sure that does not happen again. Alas, it has happened.

If you read this before March 8th then 99% of everything will be on time. So, you better get to reading!

If you're reading by email, click here to open the newsletter. Let me know what you think.

Stay blessed...john

Your God Keeps Interrupting

3/07/2011 0
We had a dear friend visit us yesterday for worship.  Our choir enjoyed the voices of some of its newest members.  Also, we all learned there is a Transformer that turns into an ice-cream truck.  If all that wasn't enough, we shared in a celebration of Holy Communion.  An inspiring-at least for me-time of worship.

I wanted to incorporate the reading from 2 Peter, but it never made it into the discussion.  There was also a quote from C.S. Lewis I thought would have been something to consider:
"The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one’s “own,” or “real” life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one’s real life—the life God is sending one day by day; what one calls one’s “real life” is a phantom of one’s own imagination. This at least is what I see at moments of insight: but it’s hard to remember it all the time." The Quotable Lewis (Wheaton, IL.: Tyndale House Publishers, 1989), 335.

There's always material you leave out of a sermon. The mind, however, can only take in what the behind can bear. I think the Apostle Paul said that...or not.

If you are reading by email click here to listen to the sermon, and understand why there is a deja vu picture within this post, and understand why there is a deja vu picture within this post (get it?).

Stay blessed...john