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Under the Oak December 2010

11/29/2010 0
The latest edition of our church's newsletter is available to view or download (click here if you're reading by email):

When the semester is over (tests and papers!) there is a little tweaking I want to do with it. For example, the calendar page tends to get crowded with information; I would like a different format that is easier to read. Also, I would like to add a member/new member profile section each month. Those are just a couple of things I'm thinking about.

Overall, what do you think of the newsletter? How readable is it? How informative is it? What is the least important element. Do you read it online or in print? Which is better and why?

Thanks for reading. Stay blessed...john

My Schedule

11/29/2010 0
Here are a few ongoing calendar items of mine. Please don't hesitate to stop by the office or give me a call (972.438.1431) if you need to talk about anything. This is just to let you know where I might be at certain times; it's a rough look at what I am usually doing.

I'll be at Perkins until noon.
I am leading a Disciple I study group every Tuesday night from 7:30-9:30.

Back at Perkins in the afternoon.

I lead our church's Thursday morning Bible study from 10am to about 11:30am.

Perkins, here I come again (in the afternoon).

The final two Sundays of every month I lead a Monthly Church Membership Class from 9:30am to 10:30am.

Don't Let Me Not Hear From You
I  don't want to find out you were in the hospital and no one ever told me!  It's a blessing for me to pray with and for you before a procedure, or for any other reason.  Call or drop by the office, or leave me a message here to get a hold of me.  I look forward to hearing from you. 

Happy Birthday Ashlei!

11/17/2010 0
Today Ashlei turns the big 9. Happy birthday Baby Girl. We love you and are very proud of you. Thanks for sharing your birthday with me.

North Texas Conference News

11/16/2010 0
A fresh new episode featuring: Demi Harriston David Rangel Korean Central UMC and other great topics that will impact the North Texas United Methodist Community Video Production: Wil Murphy Noe Hernandez Jackson Harkey Anchor: Sheron Patterson Voice: Rosalinda Luna

+NTC News

Resurrected Opinions

11/08/2010 0
Yesterday's service was a blessing! We welcomed a new member to Oak Haven. I heard Bishop Norris speak about visiting churches and having the pastor, usually a young pastor (I'll leave that alone), ask him what he expected to happen in the service. His answer was, "Something that isn't in this bulletin."

We went through the typical liturgy to welcome someone into membership. This was the first time I included a congregational response to the liturgy. I asked a long time member to stand with the new member. The congregation had already been given instructions: We will sing all four verses of Alleluia, Alleluia. After the first verse if anyone would like to come up and welcome the new member please do so, and we'll all stand together at the final verse.

All but a handful of people walked up front to welcome the new member! That wasn't in the bulletin or anything I thought would happen. It was truly a powerful moment.  You can't get that by asking people to come forward at the end of a service.

Oh yea, I almost forgot that I preached a sermon yesterday, too. Since you can't relive that welcoming, you can hear the sermon. Here are few things for you to do after you listen:

1) Pray this: O God, I want to live in the Resurrection of Christ. So, fill me with your life today. Teach me to bring hope, joy and new life to all your people, including myself. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

2) Do this: Think of a religious and a political issue you feel strongly about. Write down 1-2 reasons you hold a certain opinion. Then write 2-3 reasons why someone else might have a different opinion. Considering Christ’s Resurrection, explain how “new life” might be found in each opinion(s).

3) Let me know what you think about the idea of Resurrected Opinions.

Stay blessed...john