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Christmas has already been here

11/29/2009 0
But today is the first day of Advent.


Your Not-So Baby Jesus

11/24/2009 0
I’m sure some of you have opinions about the search for the historical Jesus. The morning after ABC aired a documentary about this topic several years ago, I remember DJs on the local Christian radio station in our area being very critical. I was, too; most of the network’s research relied on the Jesus Seminar. I’m not entirely comfortable with their work.

More recently, a lecture touched on this issue and, in passing, mentioned The Infancy Gospel of Thomas. I had never read it; so, I took a moment or two. I’ve had many young people ask about what Jesus was like when he was a kid. It’d be funny, at least for me, to see what their responses would be to some of the stories in the document.

Here are couple of them:
Chapter IV:
And when Jesus was five years old, there fell a great rain upon the earth, and the boy Jesus walked up and down through it. And there was a terrible rain, and He collected it into a fish-pond, and ordered it by His word to become clear. And immediately it became so. Again He took of the clay which was of that fish-pond, and made of it to the number of twelve sparrows. And it was the Sabbath when Jesus did this among the boys of the Jews. And the boys of the Jews went away, and said to Joseph His father: Behold, thy son was playing along with us, and he took clay and made sparrows, which it was not lawful to do on the Sabbath; and he has broken it. And Joseph went away to the boy Jesus, and said to Him: Why hast thou done this, which it was not lawful to do on the Sabbath? And Jesus opened His hands, and ordered the sparrows, saying: Go up into the air, and fly; nobody shall kill you. And they flew, and began to cry out, and praise God Almighty. And the Jews seeing what had happened, wondered, and went away and told the miracles which Jesus had done. But a Pharisee who was with Jesus took an olive branch, and began to let the water out of the fountain which Jesus had made. And when Jesus saw this, He said to him in a rage: Thou impious and ignorant Sodomite, what harm have my works the fountains of water done thee? Behold, thou shalt become like a dry tree, having neither roots, nor leaves, nor fruit. And immediately he dried up, and fell to the ground, and died. And his parents took him away dead, and reproached Joseph, saying: See what thy son has done; teach him to pray, and not to blaspheme.

Chapter XII
And Joseph, seeing that He had such favour, and that He was increasing in stature, thought it right to take Him to learn His letters. And he handed Him over to another teacher to be taught. And that teacher said to Joseph: What letters dost thou wish me to teach that boy? Joseph answered and said: First teach him the Gentile letters, and then the Hebrew. For the teacher knew that He was very intelligent, and willingly took Him in hand. And writing for Him the first line, which is A and B, he taught Him for some hours. But Jesus was silent, and made him no answer. Jesus said to the master: If thou art indeed a master, and if thou indeed knowest the letters, tell me the power of the A, and I shall tell thee the power of the B. Then His master was filled with fury, and struck Him on the head. And Jesus was angry, and cursed him; and he suddenly fell down, and died.
And Jesus returned home. And Joseph gave orders to Mary His mother, not to let Him go out of the court of his house.

So, what about you? What do you think Jesus was like when he was child? Do you see a bratty Savior? What about a hormone-raged King of Kings? How often was Jesus grounded? Let me know what you think. It might be worth thinking about now that we’re heading into the Advent season (sermon material maybe?) Stay blessed…john
11/20/2009 0
It's Friday Fun and Stuff. This what you've been waiting for all week. Well done good and faithful reader. Let's get right to it.

+view the rest here

Have you read about the rare act of sportsmanship in Illinois last February?  A great story of community and and friendship. 

What I Got for My Birthday 8 Yrs Ago

11/17/2009 0

My Sesame Street Favorites

11/16/2009 0
I have fallen to peer pressure.  Well, there hasn't been any pressure, but everyone's talking about Sesame Street's anniversary and posting their favorite moments from the show.  I'll do the same.  As I think about the lessons I've learned about my colors, math and reading, I wonder what we as the church might be able to learn from the Street: community, teaching, learning, sharing, all those people they welcomed over the years, etc.

There are three favorite clips that stick out in my mind.  I can't believe Grover, Bert & Ernie or Oscar the Grouch are not one of the videos (those guys are my favorite).  Oscar was a good guy; I always wondered what it really looked like in that trash can.

So, here are my top three most memorable scenes from Sesame Street.  Two of them are probably well remembered.  The last one...I really have no clue why I was never able to get the song out of my head.  What are your favorites? Stay blessed...john

Pinball Number 12

Goodbye Mr. Hooper

Ba Ba Bamba

P.S. Since we're asking what Sesame Street can teach the church (okay, I was asking), I think this video helps what we're trying to do at Oak Haven: People in Your Neighborhood

Record Setting Pancakes

11/16/2009 0

$ay Hello

11/13/2009 1
We're getting close to another end of a semester. I'm sure all you who have students in school, or have led them through already can get a chuckle out of this scenario:

Dear Dad,

$chool i$ really great. I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying very
hard. With all my $tuff, I $imply can't think of anything I need, $o if you
would like, you can ju$t $end me a card, a$ I would love to hear from you.

Your $on.


Dear Son,

I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep
even an hoNOr student busy. Do NOt forget that the pursuit of kNOwledge is
a NOble task, and you can never study eNOugh.


Happy studying; and enjoy your kids' visits. Here are some other Friday fun and stuff:

+30 Amazing and Funny Animal Pictures
+Growing up in the '50s
+Stick Man Humor

+Create a Fun Video Starring You

Stay blessed...john

Help in Surviving

11/11/2009 0
a site I came across that helps us in Surviving the World.  That'll come in handy.  Stay blessed...john

A blogging bishop

11/10/2009 0
Bishop Bledsoe's blog is up and running; I had been waiting for a while for it to launch.  It had been advertised on the North Texas Conference website for a while.  We'll see what kind of blogging schedule he'll maintain.  I appreciate his efforts to begin this project. 

Visit his blog and check back often: The Bishop's Blog

Stay blessed...john

What I'll be Smoking

11/10/2009 0
I've told you before Oak Haven is full of smokers and drinkers.  Well, it's almost time for the smokers to get smoking.  If you are going to be in the Irving area the week before Thanksgiving please make plans to join us.  You won't be sorry. 

You could be like many of the people who show up.  A lot of people come from out of town to see old friends and get their fill of ham and beans.  It would be worth your trip!  We'd love to have you.  Stay blessed...john

Life on a t-shirt

11/06/2009 0
Your Friday Laughs and Stuff...

Are you looking for some new threads? Sorry, I only found these t-shirts. Actually, there are a lot more.  These were a few of my favorites.  Read along and find the truth each one has.  Funny!  You can see the entire list here.   Stay blessed...john

Enock Passes Away

11/05/2009 0
i just found this out!  CMR Mourns the Passing of Juan James aka Enock

Oh, my loving members who care nothing for rap music.   The Cross Movement wasn't the first Christian rap group.  But, in my opinion, they were the first quality Christian rap group. This is still my favorite song from them: Hold It Down

stay blessed...john

Only if you like Star Wars

11/04/2009 0
You've always wanted to know who they.  Well, you're gonna still be in the dark on that one.  But now you can catch a glimpse of what they do on their days off: What Storm Troopers Do on Their Day Off

A day off sounds good.  Stay blessed...john