another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

I love the smell of moving tape in the morning!

I bring you greetings from boXland. It's a lovely place full of moving tape, the smell of cardboard and the constant echoes of: where did I put that?

We are in the midst of our final days of life in the Cowboy Capital of the World. It sure has been fun.

I want to be blogging a little more right now, but I'm sure you can understand why I'm unable to. The church computer was what I always used for my work. So, I'll be in the market for a computer right after the move; it may take me a little while to be back on line.

There are a lot of things I am thankful for in ministry. I don't want to go through that list right now, but I do want to highlight one. My wife. She, as far as I am concerned, is the best a person could be as a clergy spouse. She isn't concerned with sharing information (aka gossip) with others or "meddling" in church affairs with information she knows or rants I've spilled.

For all the wonderful, warm and fuzzy things that can be said from members and friends of a congregation, there are those things (opposite of warm and fuzzy) that get jabbed in. While she may still take them to heart more than she should, she does not let that dictate how she interacts with people. Her willingness to offer a reasonable amount of office and church hours away from home is appreciated and probably what keeps my kids still loving me.

I was reading this morning about the Osteen situation (I'm finishing up one of his books; I'll let you know what I thought later). It got me thinking about the person God put me with. I can know without any doubt we were supposed to be.

No, I'm not trying to score any points. She doesn't even read the blog (she offers me humility as well!). Praise be to God for His gifts. Stay blessed...john

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