another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Butterfly in the skyyyy

I can fly twice as hiiiigh... Take a look! It's in a book! A reading rainboowwwww!

The second summer session at UTSAbegins this Wednesday; I'm enrolled to take Population Dynamics. That means its back to the textbooks again (edit:: I actually received my textbook shortly after posting this). Books that I want to read are going to have to wait a while. Reading is difficult for me, however, it has become a lot more fun over the last several years. Its in my best interest to focus my extra-biblical reading to just material for classes.

There are (3) books I'm looking to finish reading before Wednesday.

Recapture the Wonder
Unbinding the Gospel(a signed copy)
Theological Themes on Youth Ministry

Others that I have recently finished:
The Simple Faith of Mr. Rogers
Conspiracy of Kindness
Purpose Driven Youth Ministry
Thriving Youth Groups

Blogging will be light after today for a while. I'm going to take some vacation time next week. We'll be traveling to Arkansas; one of Gloria's cousins is getting married. That should be fun. We'll be back by Monday morning, but that is Gloria's birthday. So, we'll take that day off as well. I'll let you ask her how much older she is than many years life experience she has.

Stay blessed...john

1 comment:

John said...

The Mister Rogers book looks interesting. He is/was an eternally fascinating man.