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Ideas of Wonder

Here are some ideas I wanted to share with you that I highlighted out of Recapture the Wonder. These are just a few. I'd recommend the book to you to read a bunch more.

Deep within every human heart throbs the undying hope that somebody or something will bring both an explanation of what life is all about and a way to retain the wonder. Yet if we would but pause and first ponder what it is that we already see in this world of wonder we might get a brief taste of the wonder that may be poured into us as well.
Wonder is that possession of the mind that enchants that emotions while never surrendering reason.
Wonder has a direct bearing on hopelessness and evil. The loss of wonder sets the stage for evil, until truth itself dies at the altar of a desecrated imagination
When we pretend to be God and play God, we do so without the benefit of God's character and we redefine good and evil.
Religion...It is not about ritual; it is about relationship. It is not about the posture of the body; it is about the need of the soul. It is not about the times of the day; it is about the timelessness of His presence. It is not about appeasing God; it is about resting in His provision. It is not about culture; it is about truth. It is not about earning peace; it is the wonder-working power of God. He safeguards that wonder.
In short, where there is not gratitude, there is no wonder.
In heaven, faith becomes sight.
There are books by the score on the shelves of Christian bookstores. Check them out. What do they point to? Is it to the nobler and higher and richer truths of God, or is it to more of ourselves? Thankfully the nobler and higher truths are there, but for the most part, judging by the titles and content, one would think they Christian faith is all about me and how I feel and what I want. There are books on happiness by the score, how to succeed in a variety of ways. Stop. Ponder. Reason. Is your own reading shallow or deep? The wonder that you will find in the shallow end can only be for a child. Swimming in the deep is for the mature. If a follower of Jesus does not mature in his or her reading, the church could end up running the biggest nursery in the world.
When we have learned what worship is, we have experienced what wonder is. Worship is a personal thing before it goes public. It is an individual thing before it is a part of a community. It is a disciplined thing before it is natural.

Stay blessed...john

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