another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Everything we need


1 Corinthians 1:3-9

The preacher stood before the congregation and said, "There's good news and bad news. The good news is we have all the money we need to meet our budget. The bad news is it's still in your pockets."

That's an old preacher joke. I'm not sure I've ever told it before. But what if I told you your church already has everything it needs to be faithful and fruitful? Would you believe me? Could you believe me? No joking! Your church has what it needs.

Of course, I'm not talking about money. We put ourselves into these financially tight situations. I'm not sure God will always get us out so easily. Besides, for most churches, more money won't solve our issues. It's a mere band aid.

But what we do have is what God promised. The Holy Spirit. And the Spirit continues to steer our hearts and minds toward a more Christ-like focus. There's a line in the opening of 1 Corinthians that caught my attention today. Paul says to the Corinthian congregation, "you do not lack any spiritual gift" (1:7).

Oh, that didn't mean the church didn't have problems. The apostle was just getting started writing. But they didn't lack the spiritual gifts they would need to reimagine a faithful ministry. To reawaken a fruitful ministry. And the same is true for you and your church today.

What we lack is communication and engagement. We often encourage people to take spiritual gift inventories to discover their gifts. Instead, let's better communicate the gifts we see in each other. Too often, we pigeon hole people to do things we want them to do that we think need to be done. Instead, give one another a chance to put their gifts to work for God's glory and the church's growth. Let them see where God leads.

Hear me when I say, You have the spiritual gifts your church needs. Ask God to show you how to engage them and see the glory of God shine through.

Stay blessed...john

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