So much about our faith in God and discipleship comes down to choice. First, and foremost, of course, we understand that God has acted. The Lord is Creator of all. In Christ, God has redeemed us and the Holy Spirit sustains us. Everything begins and ends with the Alpha and Omega. Even still, we choose to believe that. We choose to accept the reality of those truths.
As we choose to live in imitation of Christ, we make other choices every day. Choices about what kind of follower we're going to be. What priorities we will pursue. And how we will live out our love for God. Yes, there are commandments. God expects obedience. But there is always choice. Remember Joshua's famous line: Choose you this day whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15).
Romans 12 outlines this faith choice. It opens with a reminder of God's mercy and a call to respond to who we know God is. If we do, there is a transformation that can take place in our minds. And the Holy Spirit guides us to live with God's church in unity and faith. 
The second half of the chapter reads like commandments. There are dos and don'ts. But they are all choices. For example, people fake love all the time and glorify what is evil. A Christian heart, though, chooses to let love be genuine and hate what is evil. Read through verses 9-21 and notice the choice you have to live in faith.
This passage is one I point to often. If you want to know how your discipleship is going, if you wonder if you're growing in grace and truth, read it. Can you say your life today reflects what you read?
Now, it may not be you'll be perfect with every verse. But are you making more faithful choices today than you did before? If so, praise God! If not, make different choices.
Stay blessed...john |
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