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Make great relationships


Ecclesiastes 4:9-16

Jesus' disciples once argued with one another about which of them was the greatest. That was a pretty dumb argument to have considering what Jesus had just taught them. His lesson on suffering, death and resurrection went right over them. Jesus the rabbi went on to teach them how to overcome their desire to be so great.

The preacher of Ecclesiastes might've offered a different response. He would've reminded them how the greatest is a fleeting position. Let's say one of the disciples won that argument. He reasoned well enough with the others and collected enough votes. Even if they weren't happy about it, the group decided he was the greatest. It wouldn't be long before the others changed their minds.

Now, nothing about the greatest disciple changed. It's the others who change. They can't help it. We can't help it. And so, whether it's warranted or not, in time, someone considered great today will become less-than-great.

Listen to the preacher's lesson. He saw a wise youth replace a foolish king. People loved this new king. "But," he says, "those who came later were not pleased" with him (Ecclesiastes 4:16).

That lesson puts chasing greatness in perspective. It helps us see that no matter how far we move up whatever ladder of success we admire, it leads to the same place. Plus, if being the greatest is so awesome a feat, why do we say it's lonely at the top?

Maybe the preacher is giving us another good reminder. It's in the passage right before he mentions the old and young kings. One of those passages people like to hear at weddings. True greatness of life comes when we connect with others. When we have people who help us up and bring comfort to our lives.

Instead of chasing after being so great, let's refocus on the relationships God gave us. Make our relationships great--there's nothing dumb about that. While greatness is chasing the wind, this cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Stay blessed...john

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