another john dot com

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God's help


Psalm 124

I'm reflecting on when we know it was God and when we think it was us.

That is, I want to have the same kind of assurance the psalmist did when he declared, "If it had not been the Lord who was on our side (Psalm 124:1). But, surely, our perceived success isn't the only measure of God's active presence with us. Faithful servants of God fail all the time. Jesus told us to make ourselves last place among all people. That's going to look like failure to some, isn't it?

And God's people suffer. Not because God is punishing them, but because that's what life is sometimes.

Maybe it's like when we blame the enemy. "The devil made me do it," we confess. The thing is, the devil doesn't always have to twist our arms all that much. We're often more ready to do what we want than we care to admit. We have more agency than we realize.

Does God split seas? Yes, but not always. Does the Lord make the sun stand still to protect God's people? Apparently, but we've only read about that happening once (Joshua 10). It seems there's a more consistent way God appears to us and helps us. There isn't always literal moving of mountains.

Instead, there's the help of God when we muster courage in difficult times. God helps us regain our strength and hope. How often does God's help come in the form of a thought or idea that buds within you? What about a hug or simple word from a friend?

"If it had not been the Lord" reminds me that God's help moves me to do what I need to do. What I didn't think I could do. There will be times I'll need God to crumble prison doors, but most times God doesn't act in that way.

I've learned that what I am able to do is with God's help. I'm not acting on my own accord. Yes, I'm using wisdom, strength, skills and talents God gave me. But isn't that still God's help?

Look for the little ways God is helping you today. At the end of your week you'll be able to reflect back and say with the psalmist, "If it had not been the Lord who was on our side!"

Stay blessed...john

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