another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Telling God 'no'


My upbringing did not include telling my parents no. Of course, I tested those waters as I got a little more brave--I thought I was brave. Many of you, I am sure, share that kind of experience.

Now, imagine telling God 'no'. That's exactly what Peter did.

Peter prayed one day. He kept at his praying long enough to get hungry. Can you imagine that? As he waited for his food, he had a vision. A vision that confused him. It actually seemed to rattle him quite a bit. And it wasn't like one of those dreams you wake up from and move on. No, he kept thinking about it even some time after it was over.

You may know the rest of the story. First, Peter stood convinced God's love and power had its limits. That the Spirit's gifts were for a selected group of people. Peter's vision, and a few corresponding events, taught him something new about Jesus' mission. Of course, it was nothing new at all. Jesus had been pointing to it over the course of his ministry. But in one great moment Peter would declare, "I truly understand that God shows no partiality" (Acts 10:34).

But before he gets to that point, he has some wrestling to do. Wrestling with God and with himself. It was his original understanding that persuaded him to tell God 'no.' Surely God wouldn't ask him to do something that went against what he believed.

But a faith that never challenges us never changes us. When we tell God 'no' we set ourselves up to remain where we are. Yes, that might be the comfortable spot to us. But God calls us to a higher and deeper calling. Changing our 'no' to 'yes' might vex us. Eventually, though, it will bless us.

Finish your story by telling God 'yes.'

Stay blessed...john

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