Apparently, you could've discounted Paul's presentation. But you couldn't deny the power he preached. By his own admission, the apostle didn't go to Corinth to wow anyone with his words. He didn't prop himself up as the prominent teacher and Christian so many of us regard him as. Instead, he kept making tents, and relied on the "demonstration of the Spirit and of power" God gave him.
And what was the result? There's no denying that a church grew. Yes, that church would grow to have issues. Big ones, too. After all, it wasn't a perfect church like yours. But the church was growing.
The church would keep growing if it kept its focus--or refocused--on the proclamation Paul gave them: Jesus Christ and him crucified. Now that's a presentation. No matter what the world thinks of Jesus, the world thinks of Jesus when they see a cross. 
That's God's wisdom on display. Yes, Jesus came to teach us the marks of God's kingdom. But his life is also the outpouring of that kingdom. Through him, we see God's "hidden mystery" revealed. Human wisdom, as Paul called it, wouldn't rely on crucifixion. Human wisdom often relies on dominance and self-centeredness. We'll make a way our way.
But Christ crucified showed God's way of self sacrifice, devoted loved and obedience to God.
I imagine Paul would wonder about our presentations. To say nothing of the issues that still linger in today's church that did in the Corinthian church, he'd wonder what we're doing. He'd have something to say about our large screens, lighting effects and comfortable pews. There'd probably be a separate meeting for us preachers. He'd gripe about our over-the-top illustrations. I suspect he'd tell us what many of us already see. We're losing the message in the presentation. We're focusing a lot on human wisdom, and losing sight of God's great wisdom in Jesus.
Look for the presentations around you. They're everywhere: on the radio; apps; billboards; books; Facebook; even Sunday morning. Let's not allow God's wisdom to take second place to our wisdom, our way of doing things or our presentations.
Stay blessed...john |
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