another john dot com

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Romans 12:17-21

'Twas the night before the Election and tensions were high.

Fear lingers and there's an anxiousness that blankets our conversations and thoughts. If you-know-who wins, well, you know what will happen. This is, after all, the most consequential election of our lifetime. Or, I forget, was that the last one?

We need to acknowledge the division amongst our neighbors. It's foolish to act like people don't have sincere and strong differences of opinion. Still, I remain convinced we're not as far apart as some people want us to believe. Offense and animosity get ratings. Ratings get money. Outrage becomes an industry. And so many of us buy right into it.

I keep catching myself saying, "I'll be glad when the election is over." But what then? Will people start respecting one another? Will the lies and half-truths suddenly stop? The day after Election Night will be like most Wednesdays. Certainly online: Rude and derogatory memes, insulting comments and outlandish suspicions.

There are two things that frustrate me about that. For one, statistics tell us our politics displease most Americans: 87% are tired of political division and 87% think political polarization is a threat to the nation. So, why don't we demand something better? Something better from our leaders and from each other. The second thing that gets to me is how so many Christians participate in this supposed hatred. It's impossible to be the light of the world or the salt of the earth when we blend so easily within the vilest aspects of the culture.

Who will be the sensible voice in all our chaotic conversations? It should be the people of God commanded to live peaceably with all. While others seek to sow division, the Christian call is to feed and care for our enemies. Is that hard work? It can be. Many Americans claim to be overwhelmed by our politics. So, can we Christians heed scripture's cue to not be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with God?

I believe we can. So, be mindful what you share. Choose your words wisely and faithfully. Bring light and love to your conversations. See other people as the child of God they are. That might be the most consequential thing you can do.

Stay blessed...john

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