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Against the grain


Against the grain
Exodus 32:1-6

My church's leadership group is reading a book together. It's called 8 Virtues of Rapidly Growing Churches. We've begun to reflect on the authors' observations, which stem from their experiences with several growing churches. The first observation is that rapidly growing churches "believe in miracles and act accordingly."

Notice the two parts of that observation.

First, many Christians would affirm the reality of miracles. We serve an all-powerful God. Why wouldn't we? But it's the second part that takes more courage. Growing churches, apparently, make tough decisions and try new things. This willingness to risk comes with a deep trust in the miraculous power of God. Now, many pastors, church leaders and committed church goers also talk a lot about trust. But that trust often doesn't equate to a real willingness to change.

The authors offer this comment, particularly, about pastors. "They aren’t willing to make a hard, risk-taking move in order to do what they believe God is calling them to do. Instead they are looking for a solution that keeps people happy and maintains a roughly consensual stasis. They want to see the sea split without wading in up to their neck." 

In other words, they're not willing to push against the grain of resistance.

And does any other biblical story illustrate that more than Aaron and the golden calf? Remember that Moses trekked the mountain to talk with God. The people quickly grew impatient. Their attention turned to Aaron, Moses' brother. They directed him to "make gods" on their behalf. We get a sense Aaron knows the perverseness of what they want. After he collected their gold rings, fashioned an idol and built an altar, he declared, "Tomorrow shall be a festival to the Lord." Aaron may have tried to incorporate idol worship to godly worship. But he still knew their decision didn't honor God, and he went right along with it. He's the one that built the golden calf!

Could Aaron have changed their minds? Well, he could've at least challenged them. But he didn't. Now, he might've been as scared as they were. Whatever the case, we can say he was more willing to follow their lead than God's.

And how much does that observation apply to our churches today? If we want God's church to grow, not at all!

Stay blessed...john

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