another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

God's timing takes too long

3/07/2014 0
I'm sure you're the only one that feels this way: God's timing is perfect. I just wish it wouldn't take so long sometimes.

While we wait we must be strong & take heart (Psalm 27:14).

Stay blessed...john

Put it back where it belongs

2/28/2014 0
   If you have visited my office, you have probably noticed the small cross on my desk. There is nothing significant about that particular cross; it is just one I have kept for the office. Usually, that cross remains in the middle of the desk. Chances are you have also noticed I prefer piles over files. Consequently, often, the cross gets moved. It happens. People visit and need space; I get distracted and bump it; my piles of work and life shove the cross aside. At some point during a day at the office, I return the cross where it belongs. 

   Doing so is a reminder of where the cross should be in my life because my life, unfortunately, can be like my desk. I can be so busy, so distracted and so clumsy that the cross of Christ gets shoved from the center of my life. Does that ever happen to you? Lent is approaching, and I hope you see it is an opportunity to realign your heart. It is something you must decide to do, difficult as it may be. But the cross deserves to be at the center of our lives. So, put it back where it belongs.

Stay blessed...john

+picture cred:

And that's church sometimes

2/21/2014 0
Here is some church stuff that popped in my mind this week. I can't promise any of this is not inspired by actual events or people.

And this is probably the least accurate one this week.

Stay blessed...john

Chuck knows Chuck

1/15/2014 0
You may find Chuck Knows Church useful.  Our General Board of Discipleship produces the weekly videos about church life.  Chuck talks everything from vestments to wise men and tithing to potlucks.  It's a fun way to talk about simple things about the church.  

Head over to and see what you find.  Use the videos for a class or learn something for yourself.  Tell Chuck anotherjohn sent you. 

Stay blessed...john

Ours to keep

1/15/2014 0

Disappointment comes and goes, but joy is ours to keep.  May your heart be joyful even if your day isn't.
You show me the path of life.   In your presence there is fullness of joy;   in your right hand are pleasures for evermore.
--Psalm 16:11
Stay blessed...john

What do we get out of following God?

1/10/2014 0
If that's the question, we won't be happy with the answer. Let Colbert do the asking for you.

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Stay blessed...john