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What's your favorite part of your community?

9/26/2013 0
Each one of the Fletcher Five has a container to hold keepsakes.  Recently, we had a chance to go through a couple of them and had a lot of fun looking at pictures, old handwriting and all kinds of other things.  Over the years, the kids' collecting habits have evolved.  At first they wanted to make sure to keep every piece of paper returned from school.  Every. Piece. Of. Paper.

We were able to encourage them to only keep important school projects.  Now, we're in the quick habit of recycling every worksheet that comes home.  There was one exception last week.  Nathan's week of work was filled with the usual pile of worksheets, but one stood out to me.  I even hijacked the sheet, and am including it in my container.

His assignment was about the importance of community.  He listed what a community was, and was asked to draw the "favorite part of your community."  This is what he submitted:

I don't know who all those people are in front of that church, but I want to thank them.  They have given Nathan a sense of what it means to be the body of Christ.  Of course, it's not just those six people; he does not know the many more who have loved him and our family.  

There's so much more I could say about that, but I think, more than anything, I am touched.  Nathan loves his friends, loves his football games, loves going to Cub Scouts, but his church is his favorite part of his community.  

Praise God!

Stay blessed...john

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Our church's new website

9/06/2013 0
I'm excited to announce our church's new website.  It's been in the works for a while, but considering how hectic this year has turned out to be, it was also put on the back burner.  I think it's pretty informational.  Now, the quest will be to transition to a more engaging site.

In the mean time, however, this is a good start.  Have a look at  See if I'm missing anything, or included grammatical errors.  Who knows? Maybe I put them there to test you!

By the way, how does your church website look?  Maybe this is a good time to update it.  Quite often it is your church's first impression.  Not to sound whatever, but church websites have a reputation for being not so good.

Stay blessed...john