another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Seeing Our Blindness

4/06/2011 0
As it turns out this sermon is my last. Okay, I'm exaggerating. However, I am not preaching this week. A friend asked if it would be helpful if he offered to preach a Sunday for me. "Helpful?"

As I am preparing my Credo, which is due in three weeks, any chance I can give it more attention is fine with me. So, I have been using this week off to tackle that bad boy. Consequently, I forgot to post the sermon from this past Sunday.

So, without further ado, here is my sermon entitled Seeing our Blindness.
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Stay blessed...john

The Preacher Your Preacher Could Preach Like

4/04/2011 1
I'll assume you've seen the recent Old Spice commercials.  They're pretty good.  If you haven't then this video probably won't be as funny, but it will still be funny.  I have never been more proud of our friends at Cokesbury than I am today.  Oh, sure that whole give money for preacher retirement is pretty cool.

However, ask yourself, "How many times have I seen two commentaries magically become church stoles?"  I didn't think so.  That's why you need to watch the following video.  While you're at it, go to a Cokesbury store and see what you find.  Last week I indulged and bought the new song book and Dr. Abraham's Logic of Renewal. Oh, the day when I won't be able to walk by a store everyday.

Stay blessed...john

Under the Oak: April 2011

4/01/2011 0
With pleasure I bring to you the labors of our work. Here is the April 2011 edition of our church's newsletter. Read. Enjoy. Reread. Share. Thank you.
++Click here if you are reading by email.++

Stay blessed...john