
Pay to Own

   Once you get to traveling down any highway you’ll be quick to spot one, and they’ll show up quite often.   Billboards, banners or giant waving gorillas all offer the same invitation: Rent Me! Most likely you’ll accept the invite on the occasional time you need that particular piece of equipment or extra storage space. The concept is great.  Pay a little for something you will only need for a short time. It wouldn’t be cost effective to invest so much of yourself into something you will only use for a short time. Makes sense—we might consider
that good economics.
    Unfortunately, many of us employ that same strategy to our faith. True discipleship isn’t always good economics. At times following God’s call requires much more than we may be used to giving. Understand,
though, that faith cannot fully strengthen if we use it on an “as needed” basis.  That would imply there are
only certain times or situations it is important. Your faith should influence your entire life. It may require an investment of time spent in prayer, reading or other activities, but it is certainly worth every effort you give. This Christmas don’t rent faith; fully invest in it.

Stay blessed...john

P.S. Click here for the latest edition of Under the Oak is now available for download

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