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Crocodile Dock is Coming

6/26/2009 0

The time is getting close. Our church will have to mount up, flyers in hand, and hit the streets of the neighborhood. We have scheduled our VBS for the last week of July. The Uth Kwoir from Trietsch Memorial UMC in Flower Mound will be coming to Oak Haven to help us put on this event—more on that another post.

The family and I did the inviting for the Easter Egg Hunt in April. I think that event was a great success. One member said it was the best they could ever recall here. Now, I’m sure people are convinced it’s worth the walk up and down the sidewalks and knocking on the doors—why I wanted just us to do it for that event. Consequently, more of us will be a part of the inviting process.

Okay, I’m gonna goal set. I’m pushing for 100 kids. Depending on your church size, that may or may not sound significant. However, I think for us that will be a great (some might say impossible!) start in our attempts to revive our children’s ministry. If you’re at Oak Haven, don’t freak out on me!

For those 100 children (and their families) to show up they’ll have to get an invitation. I realize many people aren’t quite sure how they feel about going door to door. They know it’s important, but there’s something about it that sends shivers down the back pew. So, here’s a small list for you to consider when you (and your church) are out there getting the word out about whatever:

• It’s not always possible, but when and if you can, bring kids with you. One, they can have some fun doing it. Two, we’re showing them that what we’re working for is worth this time and effort. Three, people have less tendency to be rude to children than us adults!
• Just like that daunting exercise routine you’re considering, once you get started you realize the sky is not falling. As you go you get into a groove, probably meet some nice people and find out it’s really not that bad. Just get going already.
• Know the details of your event. Make sure you can give dates, times, contact people and other useful information people might ask of you. At the most absolute least, puuuuhhhleeeease know the information on the flyer you’re handing out (if you’re using one, of course).
• Let’s be careful, too. You know your neighborhood, and it’s okay to take precautions. Always be safe. I strongly suggest to always go with someone else.
• What a duh thing to say, but please, on behalf of the entire Christian faith, be courteous. Realize some people have their ideas of what the Church is about and what they want from me. Let’s not add to their (hopefully) misconceptions. Leave the earphones off as you speak, know that some people aren’t going to be all that nice and really, trust me, it’s okay to smile and be happy!

There you have it. Keep hydrated, wear sunscreen and have fun. Your event is worth the sweat you’ll put into it. Oh, and it’s hot around here; so, you’ll sweat for sure. One last thing: You can wear your normal clothes. You don’t have to bring out your best Christian t-shirt or cap.

Stay blessed…john

Holy Conferencing Website

6/25/2009 0
The Strategic Planning Team of the North Texas Conference recently launched its website. You can visit the site I have joined the discussion forum. This will be a good place for me to connect with members of the conference; I haven't done so well in that department my first year here. It will also help keep me, and some of you, up to speed with work of the planning team.

Take a look and let me know what you think about the site. Stay blessed...john

A Wet Office

6/23/2009 0
Last week we had a pretty big storm roll through DFW. We had rain water come in our two offices. My office is the one with carpet. Oh joy! So, right now I have some of my stuff up off the floor in my office and the rest of it stuffed into the other office as we wait for the carpenter to replace the flooring. Nope, I’m not complaining; there are much worse things that could be happening. The carpet will be replaced and all will be well--and the Cowboy blue is gone.

Shoveling the rain water out of the garage, however, was quite the fun experience—all four hours of it!

Stay blessed…john

Time to Redecorate

6/22/2009 0
Yep, some of the redecorating was planned while some of it was nature’s way of getting us moving. I’ll share nature’s work later on. We, in my opinion, enhanced our worship space this past week. This Sunday will be the first worship service with the new set up. It’s real simple.

We turned the pews at an angle (as much as we could) so they are sort of forming a circle. Oh yes, the theology of circle. Also, we decided to keep an additional three banners up in the sanctuary. Two will be on the side walls. Someone said they would serve the purpose of stained glass windows; I liked that connection. The third banner will be on a back wall; this will be the outgoing banner. We have two extra banners we’re using now, but we’re looking to buy two others and figure out what we want the outgoing banner to be. If you have any suggestions shoot ‘em this way. I was thinking of the “Go Out” type of message. I know; that’s real original. Another thought was to put the vision of the UMC—which you recall, right?

Our bulletin format also changes this week. We’ll now have a threefold format. I wanted to do this to make room for a printed prayer list and a spot for sermon notes (or a doodle area). I’m also going to provide a short hymn bio, hopefully, each week.

Don’t worry. I went through all the proper channels to get these things done. These ideas didn’t just pop into my head and get done. I’ve actually been thinking about them for quite a while. But I wanted to make sure I had a good idea of what would be beneficial, and even why I would suggest the ideas. So, it isn’t about just wanting to be or do something different. I think we have added, in a small way, to our worship experiences here at Oak Haven. Remember, if you are from Oak Haven or have read Schnase’s book, Passionate Worship is a part of who we are.

Stay blessed…john

P.S. I didn’t even mention anything about changing up the blog, did I? If you didn’t notice…visit a little more often.


6/20/2009 0
This is a great sermon player. Not only does it work well, but its free! I hope it comes in handy. You can view my sermon network channel here, or click here to download a podcast.

Some Great Churches

6/20/2009 2

Sign of the Week

6/17/2009 0

Move It

6/10/2009 0
I have read this story many times. This is the first time I've seen it on video. Funny.

Nick at Nite

6/06/2009 0

The Pole Got 'Em

6/03/2009 0
Take the pole out of your own police car before you judge us!