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I've heard about those...

5/23/2008 0
We used to go to the drive-in in Mercedes. It was fun to load a pile of people in and see who could last for the double feature. Since we've been to Bandera our youth group has gone once to the drive-in in San Antonio. I guess I could have read through the whole link to find out if it's still open. Anyways, find out about America's drive-ins here: THE INTERNET FOCALPOINT FOR DRIVE-IN MOVIE THEATRES
Stay blessed...john

Kingdom Work?

5/21/2008 0
So, I think I'm in the minority on this one. Over the last few weeks I've attended meetings and have had conversations with individuals about this topic. I can' help but get the same feeling from most people.

Our conference is pushing a new-church development campaign. Each church has been encouraged (you fill in whatever word you want) to make a pledge. Our church, and I suspect others may as well, have some concerns and issues about that. I think I understand some of them and may even agree.

However, I am discouraged by some of the attitudes that prevail when it comes to discussing these types of things. The first thing that seemed to arise were rising apportionments. Our church has experienced a substantial increase over the last several years. I understand how that can be frustrating. For today, I'll skip the talk about our connectional system and how and what that means; you've probably already heard it. However, I will say this. Apportionments are a calculated figure, correct? If that's the case then comments like, "If we don't give to this campaign then they'll just raise our apportionments" seem to me to be out of line.

The major factor for the calculation is the church's expenditures. Let's review the last few years. We've bought land for and completed the laying of a parking lot (decent size). A few years later we constructed a Fellowship Hall. Finally, three and a half years ago I became the best Associate Pastor this church has ever had; yep, I was the first. So, in the span of say 10 years or so we've added three big additions to our church. I'm just not surprised apportionments rose the way they did.

Sure, politics is present everywhere--even the church. There's people in the church as well. We should be able to hold our leaders accountable. I think I've been able to do that so far. If there are concerns there are ways to have them addressed. That said, this campaign is not some idea of the bishop's as he was heading out of office. It's not his big bang to leave with. Since 2005 there has been talk about getting to where we are now. This was voted on at Annual Conference. This was discussed (at length!) at Annual Conference. We are not talking about anything that was just suddenly thrust upon us.

In the next 10 years, we are told, this region of the state will have so many new people. Our conference is trying to get ahead of the curve. Now, we can talk about how leaders are only looking for numbers. But we can't complain about them when we do the same thing. Yes, monthly reports are due, but when we're not sure how many people were at church how about we underestimate the number. Perhaps our conference doesn't need new churches. I'm not sure. The only knowledge I have of it is what has come out of the work of the committee to do the job. They are members of our conference and people of faith. Forgive me for trusting their work. There may be actions or decisions I would disagree with, but I'm not doing the research and planning.

I really contemplated deleting this. I suppose I still could. If I was really bad to the bone I'd email it to everyone. Either way, I'll stop here and let the discussion begin. Stay blessed...john

An Incarnated Christian

5/19/2008 0

Well, Gloria and I have known for some time that May was going to be a busy month; we were right. The whole graduation thing was fun, but I'm glad that's over. This past weekend, as you know, we attended the KAIROS #19 at Torres.

Is there ever a bad KAIROS walk? I would think not. That said, this was probably the best one I have participated in. No, and not just because one of our church members was team leader and I was spiritual director either.

We had a gentleman that stood up yesterday for open mic at the closing ceremony. He was a young man and a practicing Muslim. One of the clergy on the team said he admitted he had only gone to get "ammunition" for his own faith. I supposed to help build his own arguments against the faith.

It was a complete shock when he approached the microphone. The entire weekend he had not actively participated. I shouldn't say that. He ate with his family (table), read letters, spoke some participated in the forgiveness and cross ceremony. He did not take the cross, but asked for a hug instead (which I was glad to comply with). whenever I saw him (he sat right across from me) he had his arms crossed with an expressionless face; so, I suppose you could say he wasn't as enthusiastic as some of the others were.

His comments at the closing were something like this:
A few times I thought I was going to have to bring out my Koran to get me back on track.....if there is a such thing as reincarnation, I think I'm coming back a Christian.

No, he did not profess a faith in Christ. Others did however. Those were wonderful moments. But he did, like I think a lot of people forget, receive the message. In all of our team meetings, not just for this walk, I've always been uneasy about the idea of "getting them." In other words, we plan for certain activities throughout the weekend. These activities can be pretty powerful, no doubt. But whenever I've heard someone go on about an inmate crying when we do this or that activity or singing this song, I get the image in my mind of a trophy head hanging on the wall in someone's den. That drives me nuts.

KAIROS introduces people to Jesus. Of course, we want them to know and experience the Resurrection. But that doesn't always happen--at least not on a weekend or in a way we recognize. We have to be okay with that. Am I running in circles yet. I'm just as excited when a man professes a new found faith in Jesus and I cry when some of them cry as well. But like the young man who is waiting for the incarnation, there are others whose decisions we will never know about. Again, we have to be okay with that. If not, we're probably focusing on ourselves a little too much.

So, keep up your kingdom work. Trust His plan and that what He has given you to do will be for His glory. Stay blessed...john
5/19/2008 0

Be back Monday

5/13/2008 0
We're off to Hondo tomorrow getting the last preparations ready for the KAIROS walk at the Torres Unit. We have over 800 dozen cookies that are coming out of our church and community; that's a lot of cookies!

Stay blessed...john

The Empire Strikes Barack

5/12/2008 0
This was too funny not to post.

Graduation Tonight

5/09/2008 0
So, the graduation ceremony is tonight and all the family is making their way in town. It'll be a great time. Sunday is Mother's Day, as I'm sure you all remember; this will be the first Mother's Day since I've been married my mom will have all her kids together.

Anyways, I came across this site. It's called BibleMap. For those who can be geographically challenged when it comes to biblical places--me being one--this is a great tool. I thought it would be great to share (and for you to do the same).

Stay blessed...john

The Church

5/06/2008 0
I came across this poem that was posted here.
How much I criticize you, my church,
and yet how much I love you!
You have made me suffer more than anyone,
and yet I owe more to you than to anyone.
I should like to see you destroyed,
and yet I need your presence.

You have given me much scandal,
and yet you alone have made me understand holiness.
Never in this world have I seen anything,
more compromised, more false,
yet never have I touched anything more pure,
more generous or more beautiful.

Countless times I have felt like
slamming the door of my soul in your face—
and yet, every night, I have prayed that I might die in your arms!
No, I cannot be free of you, for I am one with you,
even if not completely you.

Then too, where would I go?
To build another church?
But I could not build one without the same defects,
for they are my defects.
And again, if I were to build another church,
it would be my church, not Christ’s church.

No. I am old enough. I know better.

You all know how I love the church and can be very critical of the things we do. This poem kind of sums all that up. Stay blessed...john