another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

In time to come

3/27/2025 0
 Joshua 4:1-13The man showed me the picture of Earth he had carried for decades. I had seen the picture in history books and online. But this was his picture. He had been part of the space mission that first provided this image. After its success, this was a keepsake given to crew members and others involved. So, this wasn't just a picture of a historical event. This was his cherished reminder of what that day was to him. And with the picture came the...

A fruity experience

3/26/2025 0
Numbers 13:17-27It's the classic good news, bad news scenario. The spies have spent 40 days surveying the promised land. They've seen what this place of promise is, what it offers and who lives there. Interestingly, their report doesn't seem to include anything we wouldn't have already known. The good news is "look at this fruit!" The bad news is "the people!"I'm not quite sure who initiated their exploratory mission. Numbers 13 says "the Lord spoke to Moses"...

Pause. Pray. Proceed.

3/25/2025 0
 Psalm 39I used to joke that I became a preacher because the church was the only place that said my big mouth was a spiritual gift. But one doesn't need to be loud or boisterous to put one's foot in their mouth, do they?We all run that risk.So, maybe, you can relate to the psalmist as he opens Psalm 39. He shares with us what he, presumably, told himself, "I will guard my ways that I may not sin with my tongue" (39:1). Now, I can only base my reading...


3/24/2025 0
 Romans 2:1-11From time to time, I preach a good enough sermon that someone has a wish. Their wish is that so-and-so would have been there to hear it. That's a relative or friend they know. And the reason is always the same. They really should've been there because they really needed to hear it.Now, how many of us don't need to hear gospel-focused reminders? I like to remind my wish makers that so-and-so wasn't there. They didn't hear it. You did. And...

Second Chances

3/23/2025 0
Listen on SpotifyWatch on YouTube  Monday: Turning Off the NoiseScripture Reading: Philippians 4:8-9Devotional: Begin your week by reflecting on the pervasive influence of news and media in our lives. How often do you find yourself consumed by the news cycle, seeking to validate your pre-existing beliefs rather than seeking truth? Today, challenge yourself to discern between entertainment-focused news that stirs division and news that genuinely...

Rising with Christ

3/21/2025 0
 Daniel 12:1-4Do you feel the world is broken? If someone sang that in worship, your next response would probably be: We do. That's the opening line to Andrew Peterson's "Is He Worthy?"In that song, not only do worshippers acknowledge the brokenness of the world, we admit the shadows deepen around us as well. Why would that be a song of praise? Because it leads to a confident assurance that Christ is worthy. But it begins with the unquestionable distress...