another john dot com

There are 5,446,646 people named John in the U.S. I'm just Another John.

Asterisks in church

4/24/2013 0
* Did you stand?  What?  You saw the asterisk and you didn't stand?  I'm beginning to question your commitment to Christ.  Who doesn't stand in church when they see an asterisk? Answer: A lot of people. It's fun to watch the church wave as people realize they're supposed to stand to sing this song or hear that reading.  Some wait to be the last one sitting.  That's probably an ego thing. Now, instead of making fun...

Who needs a new website?

4/24/2013 0
I will be disappointed if I find out Space Jam is not on Netflix because I think it's time to raise my children right.  Now, of all movies in the world to think about, why would I be worried about this film right now? I just learned that the website for Space Jam has not been changed since 1996.  That's the year I graduated high school and got married.  If you visit the website right now you'll remember what late 90's websites...

What would you give up for who's not here?

4/23/2013 0
You know a commercial series has its grasp on you when you see an actor in another setting and can't shake the image you have of them selling you something, say insurance.  J.K. Simmons put aside being the professor at the University of Farmers to make a pretty good movie.   I watched him recently in The Music Never Stopped. How many people have you met that did not like music?  There was a book of the Bible that was written about...

The Rock sings

4/22/2013 0
Most people like O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing.  Until you tell them we're going to sing the whole thing! Stay blessed...j...

Music Monday: The Fear

4/22/2013 0
You've seen the "You are here" maps in public places. You've looked at that red dot and tried to make sense of where it was locating you, wondering if you understood where you really were. It's important information to have in case of an emergency situation. And it's good to have in life, too. I'm thinking this next song speaks to that a bit. How insignificant we feel sometimes. How hopeless our future seems. Consequently, our life reflects such...

Doing the Impossible

4/22/2013 0
I say that I will scream if I hear another sermon, clergy retreat, district meeting  or conference presentation that mentions church membership decline.  And if they include numbers and percentages I will walk out.  Now, if I did that my throat would constantly be hoarse and I would never attend another meeting because it's mentioned quite a bit. And how two-faced am I?  Church membership decline came up in my sermon this past Sunday;...

Sermon Series: Chosen

4/11/2013 0
We have been chosen by God. But what does that mean? How are we chosen? And for what are we chosen? You can use the mini sermon player below or click on the sermon title to hear each file. Chosen to Be Chosen for More Chosen to Know ...

The Circuit Writer: April 2013

4/02/2013 0
   A small act of kindness goes a long way. Do you believe that? I do because it seems God is able to do much with very little. It is often said God formed Creation ex nihilo, meaning “out of nothing”—talk about not having much to work with. And what about 2John & 3John? These are two of the shortest books in the Bible, 13 and 15 verses respectively. You could read both in minutes. Quickly, these letters express Christian love, teaching...

This Changes Everything

4/02/2013 0
Gloria told me I should change the title of this sermon.  So, I did.  You can thank her for not hearing a sermon entitled A Big But. Instead, I went with This Changes Everything, hoping I could still get the point across.  The point?  Easter is the biggest "But" of all!  It's called a coordinating conjunction.  Look it up or have a quick listen to this Easter sermon.  And don't be jealous that your church didn't talk...