I recently put down Shepherding the Small Church. Before the end of the spring semester I bought this book to read through the summer. I didn’t finish the book—most of it, but not all. If you’re looking for something to give some basic direction about what to look for in ministry, I wouldn’t steer you away from this resource. It just wouldn’t be the first book I would suggest to you.About midway through the book things seemed to begin to drag on. The...
# Church
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Okay, to help everyone remember the armor of God mentioned in Ephesians 6, we came up with the dance. I did it in church last Sunday (Sermon:I'm No Fashion Expert, But) and we couldn't stop laughing. I hope that means they'll remember it. Sorry there was no video! You'll have to ask me to demonstrate it to you....youtube video coming soon?Stay blessed...j...
# Church
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Where Vincent Angel in my name comes from.....see you later Grandpa...Vincent Angel ascended into the presence of Christ on August 16, 2009. He was born in Galveston, Texas on April 5, 1931, and was proud to be a BOI. He worked for Model Dairy, the City of Galveston and Gerland’s Food Fair. He served his country as a soldier in the U.S. Army (568th O.H.M.) during the Korean War. Later he became a member of the Disabled American Veterans.Because he enjoyed...
# Family
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When reading a blog, I hate it when the first paragraph is an “I’m sorry for having other life activities that I’ve needed to get to, so I haven’t posted in a while, but I’m back in the saddle ready to blog away.” message. Yea, who could ever imagine having other things to do? Since I dislike those kinds of messages so much, I won’t post one. So, let me just say: Updating the blog should be more a part of my schedule now (apologies around to you whom understood...
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